MTV Reality TV shows and their audiences – Book tour interview with Amanda Klein

Amanda Ann Klein is Associate Professor of Film Studies at East Carolina University, and the author and coeditor of numerous books on film and tv history. She recently released a book on MTV reality tv shows and we spoke about the subject and the book. Millennials Killed the Video Star: MTV’s Transition to Reality Programming (Duke University Press, 2021)

Tags: Books, videos, author, academic, Duke University Press, tv shows,

Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Ecocollapse and apocalyptic fiction – Book tour talk with Sarah McFarland

Sarah E. McFarland is Professor of English at Northwestern State University of Louisiana, USA. Author of many ecocritical articles, she also coedited Animals and Agency: An Interdisciplinary Exploration. We spoke about her recently published book on Ecocollapse fiction. Ecocollapse Fiction and Cultures of Human Extinctione (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)

Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Love affairs and lost dreams in silent era Hollywood – Interview with Dr. Cooper and Dr. Irmscher

Cooper Graham, retired film curator at the Library of Congress, is widely known for his work on Leni Riefenstahl and D. W. Griffith.   Christoph Irmscher is a Professor of English. He is the author of numerous books, including, most recently, Max Eastman: A Life and Stephen Spender: Poems Written Abroad. We spoke about their latest book on Florence Deshon, Max Eastman, and Charlie Chaplin. Love and Loss in Hollywood: Florence Deshon, Max Eastman, and Charlie Chaplin (Indiana University Press, 2021)

Tags: Books, audio interviews, academic, videos, Indiana University Press, film history,

Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews