How video game modders are changing the art scene – Interview with Eddie Lohmeyer

How video game modders are changing the art scene – Interview with Eddie Lohmeyer

Eddie Lohmeyer is Assistant Professor of Digital Media in the Department of Games and Interactive Media at the University of Central Florida, USA. He studies aesthetic and technical developments within histories of digital media, with an emphasis on video games and their relationship to the avant-garde. Additionally, his art considers embodied experience through processes of play and defamiliarization. We spoke about artists who mod games and his research and art. {Unstable Aesthetics: Game Engines and the Strangeness of Modding (Bloomsbury, 2021)

Tags: Books, videos, author, academic, Bloomsbury, art, video games,

Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews

How professional gamers can avoid the legal and business pitfalls in e-sports – Interview with Justin M. Jacobson

How professional gamers can avoid the legal and business pitfalls in e-sports – Interview with Justin M. Jacobson

Justin M. Jacobson, Esq. is an entertainment and esports attorney located in New York City. For the past 10+ years, he has worked with professional athletes, musicians, producers, DJs, record labels, fashion designers as well as professional gamers, streamers, coaches, on-air talent and esports organizations. He assists creative individuals with their contract, copyright, trademark, immigration, tax and other related business, marketing and legal issues. He wrote a book on the subject and we spoke about how someone can set themselves up to navigate the legal and business pitfalls of being a professional gamer.   The Essential Guide to the Business & Law of Esports & Professional Video Gaming (CRC Press, 2021) Check the book out here

Tags: Books, videos, author, academic, CRC Press, video games,

Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews