Science Fiction history book – “The Technical Delusion” (Duke University Press, 2019) – Jeffrey Sconce interview

Dr. Jeffrey Sconce specializes in radio, tv, and film studies and is an assistant professor in communications studies. He’s written many books on the subject and we discussed his latest book on electricity, paranoia and conspiracy theories.

1:04 – Jeffrey talks about he ended up writing the book.

2:55 – Jeffrey talks about the early days of electricity.

5:16 – Jeffrey talks about the explosion of ideas of being mentally controlled when televisions became commonplace.

13:13 – Jeffrey talks about paranormal tv shows which discuss haunted technology.

23:05 – Jeffrey talks about the increasing overlap between science fiction, conspiracy theories, and delusional psychosis.

31:33 – Jeffrey talks about Philip K. Dick and his writing.

41:11 – Jeffrey talks about what he used for his research including Journals on “Insanity.”

43:41 – Jeffrey talks about the truly delusional versus people pretending to be delusional.

1:04:43 – Jeffrey has a blog at


Links of interest

For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Jeffrey Sconce

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, electronics, psychosis, conspiracy theories, supernatural, occult, paranormal, mediums, seance, industrial revolution, anxiety, depression, twilight zone, outer limits, haunted technology, twilight zone, x-files, brain chips, MK Ultra, ray kurzweil, Matrix, Philip K. Dick, targeted individuals

Supernatural studies history book – “The Spectral Arctic” (UCL Press, 2018) – Shane McCorristine interview

Dr. Shane McCorristine received his Ph.D. in history and now teaches at Newcastle University. His focus is on the “night side” of human experience. This means the study of social attitudes towards death, dreams, ghosts, hallucinations, and so on. We spoke about his latest book on how ideas of the supernatural and ghosts were applied to 19th century British polar expeditions.

1:19 – Shane talks about how he got into studying this subject. He was into polar fiction.

2:45 – Shane talks about how he’s laid the book out.

6:00 – Shane talks about the Shackleton expedition and the fourth presence.

11:05 – Shane talks about the public’s mystical perceptions of the arctic.

12:45 – Shane talks about ideas that the Arctic had gateways to the center of the Earth or to other dimensions or lands.

14:10 – Shane compares the supernatural to religious ideas.

17:20 – Shane talks about naval superstitions and their usefulness in maritime operations.

20:09 – Shane talks about ways in which the Inuits were represented in the media.

23:00 Shane talks about how strange it was for the Inuits to see Europeans in the Arctic.

32:00 – Shane talks about how the supernatural is created by society.

34:18 – Shane talks about the resources he used to do his research.

38:07 – Shane talks about a Dickens’ play titled the Frozen Deep about a lost polar expedition.

41:18 – Shane talks about some of the archives he used for his research.

44:45 – Shane most enjoyed being able to provide the female perspective on polar expeditions and what they meant.

51:30 – Shane conjectured how Europeans might react if Inuits showed up on their shores as explorers.

54:30 – Shane says Arctic and Antarctic exploration should not be conflated.

1:05:23 – Shane can be found at The book is available for free on pdf.


Links of interest


For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Shane McCorristine

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: ghosts, spirits, Satan, Franklin, Shackleton, arctic, middle ages, supernatural, Vikings, Greenland, polar, Greeks, Inuit, Aurora Aborealis, Royal Geographic Society, Charles Dickens, seances, shaman, clairvoyance, Charlotte Bronte, Arthur Conan Doyle