Simon Stephenson talks about his science Fiction novel “Set My Heart To Five” (Hanover Square Press, 2020)

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Simon Stephenson has worked as a doctor and then as Hollywood screenwriter for Pixar. He’s written a science fiction novel about an android trying to write a Hollywood screenplay to convince humans to be sympathetic so androids. We spoke about the book, screenwriting, and writing in general.

0:34 – Simon explains why he wrote Set my Heart to Five.

3:14 – Simon talks about the setting, protagonist and conflict in the book.

11:34 – Simon talks about the writing style of the book.

12:50 – Simon talks about how the protagonist is similar to data from Star Trek.

13:43 – Simon talks about research he did for the book and how important geography and place is in the book.

18:17 – Simon talks about his inspirations and how much he loves movies.

22:06 – Simon talks about the musical feel of the book.

24:28 – Simon talks about his approach to writing as a screenwriter and novelist.

27:35 – Simon talks about how his approach to writing has changed over time.

30:51 – Simon talks about other work he’s done that has impacted his writing.

32:43 – Simon talks about writing for Pixar.

35:07 – Simon talks about writing for animation versus writing for live-action.

39:38 – Simon talks about his writing experiences.

41:04 – Simon talks about the voices he uses in mind when writing for animation.

43:09 – Simon talks about editing the book.

45:06 – Simon talks about the android’s speech patters and expressions.

48:07 – Simon talks about having wanted the Back to the Future hoverboard. He then discusses having grown up in Scotland.

52:40 – Simon talks about the publishing industry and marketing one’s book.

58:30 – Simon talks about turning his book into a screenplay.

1:00:51 – Simon is on twitter @thesimonbot and at and at


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For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Simon Stephenson

Host: Cris Alvarez

Check the book out here

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Simon Stephenson interview, Simon Stephenson, Set My heart To Five, science fiction author interview, science fiction novel, science fiction about android, Hanover Square Press, cris alvarez, cristobal alvarez, full contact nerd, interview, author interview, writer interview, sci-fi, novel about android,


Film history – “What Price Hollywood?” (University Press of Kentucky, 2020) – Elyce Helford interview

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Dr. Elyce Helford has spent years, studying, writing on, and teaching popular culture. She’s studied and written about anime, Octavia Butler and now most recently on the director George Cukor. She talks about the queer and gender-bending aspects of this early director’s work.

0:42 – Elyce talks about how she got into studying George Cukor.

4:53 – Elyce talks about how actresses felt like they good trust Cukor. She also talks about the homophobic actors who didn’t want to work with Cukor.

8:57 – We talk about how Hollywood prizes success and money and how Cukor dealt with the studios.

12:20 – Elyce talks about how few close friends Cukor had in Hollywood.

13:58 – Elyce talks about how the big Hollywood moguls were Eastern European Jewish. However Cukor was Jewish but his roots were in Western Europe.

16:29 – Elyce talks about his lack of influence on other directors despite his huge success.

20:49 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s stage experience and voice coach work.

22:14 – Elyce talks about how Cukor adapted to Hollywood.

27:17 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s dating life.

29:41 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor could have pushed boundaries in Hollywood.

36:05 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor had the power to push boundaries.

40:09 – Elyce talks about how she gathered information on Cukor.

49:38 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s output as a director.

52:24 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor might have identified as a woman.

56:23 – Elyce talks about how surprising it was to find so much to write about this subject.

1:00:00 – Elyce talks about the various subjects she’s studied including manga and anime.

1:03:10 – Elyce talks about trying to avoid Cukor’s answers on his own personality.

1:05:16 – Elyce discusses the importance of what the creator was intending to produce versus wht the viewer interprets.

1:06:47 – Elyce talks about having had breast cancer and turning to digital art for a time.

1:19:53 – Elyce talks about the past use of ethnicity as mysterious and dangerous.

1:21:44 – Elyce can be found at and on twitter @elycehelford


Links of interest

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Guests: Elyce Rae Helford

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Philadelphia Story, George Cukor, Katherine Hepburn, bisexuality, homosexuality, drag, Octavia Butler, gender, homophobia, Jewish, Gone With The Wind, Billy Wilder, long take, Hitchcock, theater, HUAC, censorship, women’s director, noir, queer, trans, Judy Garland, Wizard of Oz, Hitchcock, gaslighting, academy award, Othello, lavender marriage, musicals, Star Trek, digital art, classic Hollywood, directing

Check the book out here

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