Post-apocalyptic science fiction with Gene Doucette

Gene Doucette Apocalypse Seven

Post-apocalyptic science fiction with Gene Doucette

Check the book out here

Interview Timeline

Gene Doucette has authored more than twenty sci-fi and fantasy titles. He recently released The Apocalypse Seven. We spoke about the book and his writing. The Apocalypse Seven (John Joseph Adams/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021)

0:51 – Gene talks about his publishing path.

3:20 – Gene talks about self-publishing.

4:16 – Gene talks about Apocalypse Seven.

6:24 – Gene talks about novellas versus novels.

7:51 – Gene talks about his fantasy writing.

9:47 – Gene talks about the setting and characters of Apocalypse Seven.

13:14 – Gene talks about the conflict in the novel.

14:45 – Gene talks about the research for the book.

18:28 – Gene talks about walking Cambridge and the Charles River.

19:29 – Gene talks about bikes.

20:08 – Gene talks about his inspirations.

21:24 – Gene talks about enjoying quantum theory and mathematics.

22:33 – Gene talks about the aesthetic and musical feel of the novel.

25:11 – Gene talks about his writing process.

27:20 – Gene talks about not outlining or plotting ahead of time.

28:59 – Gene talks about writing stories in his head.

30:34 – Gene talks about how his writing has changed over time.

32:11 – Gene talks about his favorite character to write.

32:55 – Gene talks about whether he’s in any of his characters.

34:54 – Gene talks about characters that were difficult to write.

36:57 – Gene talks about trying to understand his characters better.

40:03 – Gene talks about empathy in writing.

40:43 – Gene talks about having once been in sales.

42:19 – Gene talks about being an outgoing introvert.

43:25 – Gene talks about the editing of this novel.

47:08 – Gene compares traditional publishing readers versus self-published book readers.

51:37 – Gene talks about self-published books reader demographics.

53:19 – Gene talks about comic books and D&D.

55:21 – Gene talks about finishing the book.

58:48 – Gene talks about his new hard sci-fi series.

1:01:58 – Gene talks about Amazon Vela.

1:02:30 – Gene can be found on facebook at authorgenedoucette and on twitter and instagram under Gene Doucette.

Links of interest

Contact Information

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Gene Doucette

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, podcast, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, science fiction,

Check the book out here

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