Fantasy magic novel – A Witch in Time (Redhook, 2020) – Constance Sayers interview

Check the book out here

Constance Sayers has published her first novel, an era-spanning tale of a witch reliving a doomed love affair  and her attempt to fight back against inevitable sorrow.

0:49 – Constance talks about how she decided to write A Witch in Time.

3:30 – Constance talks about the plot and protagonist of the story. It’s a witchcraft tale of doomed love.

5:18 – Constance talks about researching locations like France for the book.

10:59 – Constance talks about the works that have inspired her writing.

13:12 – Constance talks about the music she would consider the soundtrack for the book.

15:25 – Constance discusses her writing process.

17:43 – Constance talks about how her approach to writing has changed over time.

19:40 – Constance talks about how her non-writing work has influenced her writing.

21:02 – Constance talks about parts of the novel she had to take out.

22:13 – Constance talks about the fantastic things she imagined when she was young.

23:14 – Constance talks about completing the book.

25:01 – Constance talks about her use of photos in writing the book. She posts them on instagram @constancesayers

25:43 – Constance talks about [book] how she got published and the difficulties she had early on.

29:31 – Constance talks about her next book which takes place in 1925 Paris.

30:58 – Constance is on instagram and twitter @constancesayers.

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Links of interest

Guests: Constance Sayers

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: fantasy, witchcraft, author, novel, buffy the vampire slayer, washington DC, kennedy center, belle epoch, france, louvre, zola, occult, los angeles, gene harlow, fleetwood mac, noir, haunted hollywood, outlander, dark shadows, easy rider, bionic woman, bewitched, readers digest, Paris

Check the book out here

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Science Fiction history book – “The Technical Delusion” (Duke University Press, 2019) – Jeffrey Sconce interview

Dr. Jeffrey Sconce specializes in radio, tv, and film studies and is an assistant professor in communications studies. He’s written many books on the subject and we discussed his latest book on electricity, paranoia and conspiracy theories.

1:04 – Jeffrey talks about he ended up writing the book.

2:55 – Jeffrey talks about the early days of electricity.

5:16 – Jeffrey talks about the explosion of ideas of being mentally controlled when televisions became commonplace.

13:13 – Jeffrey talks about paranormal tv shows which discuss haunted technology.

23:05 – Jeffrey talks about the increasing overlap between science fiction, conspiracy theories, and delusional psychosis.

31:33 – Jeffrey talks about Philip K. Dick and his writing.

41:11 – Jeffrey talks about what he used for his research including Journals on “Insanity.”

43:41 – Jeffrey talks about the truly delusional versus people pretending to be delusional.

1:04:43 – Jeffrey has a blog at


Links of interest

For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Jeffrey Sconce

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, electronics, psychosis, conspiracy theories, supernatural, occult, paranormal, mediums, seance, industrial revolution, anxiety, depression, twilight zone, outer limits, haunted technology, twilight zone, x-files, brain chips, MK Ultra, ray kurzweil, Matrix, Philip K. Dick, targeted individuals

Horror movie history – “Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror” (Counterpoint, 2018) – W. Scott Poole interview

Scott Poole is a professor of history in American pop and folk culture with a heavy emphasis on horror studies. We talked about his latest book that examines the effect World War One had on horror movies.

0:56 – Scot talks about how he got into studying horror.

2:58 – Scott talks about the book and how World War One changed horror literature and stories.

9:58 – Scott talks about directors and creators who delved into horror.

12:45 – Scott talks about how Franz Kafka is associated with horror.

16:03 – Scott talks about the occult, horror and the Great War.

22:57 – Scott talks about French author Celine’s affect on horror.

25:33 – Scott talks about the death of animals affected horror.

28:34 – Scott talks about how he found old horror films and war footage.

35:30 – Scott talks about comedy in early horror.

38:39 – Scott talks about the great emotional difficulty he had in writing this book.

43:11 – Scott talks about an interesting discovery he made about Bela Lugosi.

53:04 – Scott tweets @monstersamerica.

For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Scott Poole

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: horror, movies, literature, Kafka, Lovecraft, Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi, World War One, The Great War, Celine, movie directors, Nazis, occult