Fantasy novel – “The Poet King” (Tor Books, 2020) – Ilana C. Myer interview

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Ilana C. Myer is a former Jerusalem based journalist turned novelist. She has wrapped up her Harp and Ring Sequence with the third book The Poet King. We discussed the book and her writing process.

0:49 – Ilana talks about why she wrote the series.

3:35 – Ilana talks about poetry versus prose writing.

4:42 – Ilana talks about the details of the book.

8:52 – Ilana talks about the research she did for the novel.

10:45 – Ilana talks about Middle Eastern magic.

12:41 – Ilana compares Eastern and Western magic systems.

13:26 – Ilana talks about the works that have inspired her.

14:53 – Ilana talks about the musical aesthetic of the book.

16:12 – Ilana talks about her writing process.

25:42 – Ilana can be found at


Links of interest

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Guests: Ilana C. Myer

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: fantasy, writer, novelist, novel, fiction, poet, Celtic, myth, literature, magic, french troubador, prose, art, medieval, Homer, Arabian nights, djinn, journalism, Middle Earth

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Veronica Roth interview about her fantasy science fiction novel “Chosen Ones” (John Joseph Adams, 2020)

Veronica Roth interview about her fantasy science fiction novel “Chosen Ones”

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Interview Timeline

Veronica Roth is well known for her successful Divergent series of books which were also put on screen. She recently wrote a fantasy science fiction novel “Chosen Ones” and she spoke to me about that book and her approach to writing.

0:31 – Veronica talks about why she wrote Chosen Ones.

2:05 – Veronica talks about the setting and plot of Chosen Ones.

3:26 – Veronica talks about the book being set in Chicago.

4:09 – Veronica talks about researching PTSD and Chicago as a setting.

6:54 – Veronica talks about how the book became more government conspiracy focused than it started out.

7:59 – Veronica talks about what inspired the feel of the book.

9:36 – Veronica talks about what inspires her. She reads a lot of science fiction and fantasy.

11:55 – Veronica talks about how her interest in stories about younger people.

13:00 – Veronica talks about what the soundtrack of the book might be.

15:19 – Veronica talks about how she works on drafts of her novel and how she deals with editorial comments.

18:18 – Veronica talks about how her approach to writing has changed over time.

19:35 – Veronica talks about how her first novel was rejected.

21:36 – Veronica talks about jobs she had before becoming a writer.

22:48 – Veronica talks about changes she made for Chosen Ones.

24:25 – Veronica talks about the changes she made to the book as she wrote it.

26:37 – Veronica talks about how she changed a character in the book.

29:20 – Veronica talks about social concerns the book touches on.

30:50 – Veronica talks about the magic system in the book.

31:45 – Veronica talks about her love for Harry Potter.

32:25 – Veronica talk about completing the book.

33:58 – Veronica talks about the pressure of matching the Divergent series and YA movies.

35:23 – Veronica talks about writing to cinematic needs.

38:07 – Veronica can be found at and on instagram @vrothbooks.

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Contact Information

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Guests: Veronica Roth

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, fantasy, divergent, chosen ones, fiction, heroes, Harry Potter, Dune, magic, space race, MK Ultra, art noveau, Dune, Lord of the Rings, Animorphs, Buffy, Matrix, novel, editor, agent, drafts, writing, Divergent, young adult

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Fantasy magic novel – A Witch in Time (Redhook, 2020) – Constance Sayers interview

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Constance Sayers has published her first novel, an era-spanning tale of a witch reliving a doomed love affair  and her attempt to fight back against inevitable sorrow.

0:49 – Constance talks about how she decided to write A Witch in Time.

3:30 – Constance talks about the plot and protagonist of the story. It’s a witchcraft tale of doomed love.

5:18 – Constance talks about researching locations like France for the book.

10:59 – Constance talks about the works that have inspired her writing.

13:12 – Constance talks about the music she would consider the soundtrack for the book.

15:25 – Constance discusses her writing process.

17:43 – Constance talks about how her approach to writing has changed over time.

19:40 – Constance talks about how her non-writing work has influenced her writing.

21:02 – Constance talks about parts of the novel she had to take out.

22:13 – Constance talks about the fantastic things she imagined when she was young.

23:14 – Constance talks about completing the book.

25:01 – Constance talks about her use of photos in writing the book. She posts them on instagram @constancesayers

25:43 – Constance talks about [book] how she got published and the difficulties she had early on.

29:31 – Constance talks about her next book which takes place in 1925 Paris.

30:58 – Constance is on instagram and twitter @constancesayers.

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Links of interest

Guests: Constance Sayers

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: fantasy, witchcraft, author, novel, buffy the vampire slayer, washington DC, kennedy center, belle epoch, france, louvre, zola, occult, los angeles, gene harlow, fleetwood mac, noir, haunted hollywood, outlander, dark shadows, easy rider, bionic woman, bewitched, readers digest, Paris

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