Italian science fiction studies book – “Italian Science Fiction: The Other in Literature and Film” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) – Simone Brioni interview

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Dr. Simone Brioni is a professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. He’s written and taught on the subject of migration and Italian colonialism. He recently co-authored a book with Daniele Comberiati about Italian science fiction  and how those works reflect and comment on Italian culture.

0:43 – Simone talks about how he got into writing on science fiction and on Italian science fiction. He saw science fiction not as predictive but rather a reflection of reality.

2:49 – Simone talks about how the book is laid out chronologically.

4:42 – We discuss the theme of travel in Italian science fiction. Simone talks extensively on I Am Legend and the themes of fascism in the story.

12:38 – Simone talks about fascism’s fascination for the future and science fiction.

14:37 – Simone talks about the major periods of Italian science fiction.

18:07 – We talk about monsters in Italian science fiction.

21:07 – Simone talks about Itlaian science fiction that embraces liberal ideas.

23:51 – We discuss science fiction productions that were done in Italy.

28:11 – Simone talks about Italian tv and film sci-fi production.

32:18 – Simone talks about how he did his research on Italian sci-fi and the books he found.

35:44 – Simone talks about how he found Italian sci-fi shows and movies.

37:53 – Simone talks about how such major social themes are discussed in Italian science fiction. He also talks about how the Romani have a major part in Italian science fiction. He also touches on translation issues.

43:00 – Simone talks about time machines and robots in Italian sci-fi.

44:54 – Simone hopes to influence English speakers in understanding the importane of Italian science fiction in global science fiction.

47:00 – Simone talks about why Italian sci-fi didn’t become familiar to English speakers.

51:08 – Simone can be found on twitter @SimoneBrioni and has a webpage at Stonybrook University.

Links of interest

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Guests: Simone Brioni

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, Berlusconi, Italy, James ballard, mediascape, national identity, panopticon, philip k. dick, dystopic, i am legend, fascism, zombie, colonialism, horror, alternative history, neofascist, mussolini, world war two, WWII, afrofuturism, dystopic, Nirvana, Space 1999, Barbarella, Dune, Primo Levi, Italo Calvino, alternative realities, Planet of Vampires, Alien, They Will Leave, concentration camps, Roma, Rome, Luce D’Eramo

Check the book out here

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Supernatural Horror studies book – “New Directions in Supernatural Horror Literature” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) – Sean Moreland interview

Sean Moreland teaches English at the University of Ottowa. His main field of research is Anglo-American literature from the late 18th century to present. He particularly enjoys Gothic, horror and weird fiction and is involved with various journals and events on the subjects. We spoke about his latest editorial work on Lovecraft’s critical theories on horror.

0:58 – Sean talks about how he got into working on Lovecraft.

1:44 – Sean talks about the essays in the book. All the contributors study weird fiction or horror.

4:36 – Sean talks about what precisely the essays focus on.

7:57 – Sean talks about the Lovecraft documents the essays draw from.

9:55 – Sean talks about how the ssays developed for the book.


19:40 – Sean talks about how he has researched the foundational basis of the various essays.

21:55- Sean talks about the Lovecraft archives at Brown University.

23:19 – Sean compares Lovecrat to Poe.

26:41 – Sean was surprised that Lovecraft’s ideas can be applied to medieval writing.

28:14 – Sean talks about the questions that still surround Lovecraft.

31:47 – Sean talks about the fear of the different as a basis for horror.

42:33 – Sean has a horror blog at

Links of interest


For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Sean Moreland

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, fantasy, Lovecraft, critical thinking, horror, weird fiction, Edgar Allen Poe, gothic

Horror movie history – “Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror” (Counterpoint, 2018) – W. Scott Poole interview

Scott Poole is a professor of history in American pop and folk culture with a heavy emphasis on horror studies. We talked about his latest book that examines the effect World War One had on horror movies.

0:56 – Scot talks about how he got into studying horror.

2:58 – Scott talks about the book and how World War One changed horror literature and stories.

9:58 – Scott talks about directors and creators who delved into horror.

12:45 – Scott talks about how Franz Kafka is associated with horror.

16:03 – Scott talks about the occult, horror and the Great War.

22:57 – Scott talks about French author Celine’s affect on horror.

25:33 – Scott talks about the death of animals affected horror.

28:34 – Scott talks about how he found old horror films and war footage.

35:30 – Scott talks about comedy in early horror.

38:39 – Scott talks about the great emotional difficulty he had in writing this book.

43:11 – Scott talks about an interesting discovery he made about Bela Lugosi.

53:04 – Scott tweets @monstersamerica.

For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Scott Poole

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: horror, movies, literature, Kafka, Lovecraft, Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi, World War One, The Great War, Celine, movie directors, Nazis, occult