Film history – “What Price Hollywood?” (University Press of Kentucky, 2020) – Elyce Helford interview

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Dr. Elyce Helford has spent years, studying, writing on, and teaching popular culture. She’s studied and written about anime, Octavia Butler and now most recently on the director George Cukor. She talks about the queer and gender-bending aspects of this early director’s work.

0:42 – Elyce talks about how she got into studying George Cukor.

4:53 – Elyce talks about how actresses felt like they good trust Cukor. She also talks about the homophobic actors who didn’t want to work with Cukor.

8:57 – We talk about how Hollywood prizes success and money and how Cukor dealt with the studios.

12:20 – Elyce talks about how few close friends Cukor had in Hollywood.

13:58 – Elyce talks about how the big Hollywood moguls were Eastern European Jewish. However Cukor was Jewish but his roots were in Western Europe.

16:29 – Elyce talks about his lack of influence on other directors despite his huge success.

20:49 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s stage experience and voice coach work.

22:14 – Elyce talks about how Cukor adapted to Hollywood.

27:17 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s dating life.

29:41 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor could have pushed boundaries in Hollywood.

36:05 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor had the power to push boundaries.

40:09 – Elyce talks about how she gathered information on Cukor.

49:38 – Elyce talks about Cukor’s output as a director.

52:24 – Elyce talks about whether Cukor might have identified as a woman.

56:23 – Elyce talks about how surprising it was to find so much to write about this subject.

1:00:00 – Elyce talks about the various subjects she’s studied including manga and anime.

1:03:10 – Elyce talks about trying to avoid Cukor’s answers on his own personality.

1:05:16 – Elyce discusses the importance of what the creator was intending to produce versus wht the viewer interprets.

1:06:47 – Elyce talks about having had breast cancer and turning to digital art for a time.

1:19:53 – Elyce talks about the past use of ethnicity as mysterious and dangerous.

1:21:44 – Elyce can be found at and on twitter @elycehelford


Links of interest

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast

Guests: Elyce Rae Helford

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Philadelphia Story, George Cukor, Katherine Hepburn, bisexuality, homosexuality, drag, Octavia Butler, gender, homophobia, Jewish, Gone With The Wind, Billy Wilder, long take, Hitchcock, theater, HUAC, censorship, women’s director, noir, queer, trans, Judy Garland, Wizard of Oz, Hitchcock, gaslighting, academy award, Othello, lavender marriage, musicals, Star Trek, digital art, classic Hollywood, directing

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Fantasy and sci-fi artist Amanda Schank interview – Super Magfest 2018 – youtube

Amanda Schank is a digital artist. I interviewed her at Super Magfest 2018 about her art, inspirations and method of working.

1:26 – Her Demon Slayer picture on an alligator rug is one of her favorite works because it’s very much “her”. It’s a line art heavy piece of work. It has a pin-up style. She likes adding shadows to the work. She combines urban wear and medieval images.

4:49 – She’ll stare at a piece of 40 minutes to see anything that needs to be fixed before she declares something done. She’ll even paint over prints once they’re ready for sale at conventions.

9:39 – She grew up watching Inuyasha and got into the mood of painting those characters. It’s influenced her throughout her career. She does everything on computer. She likes using a Cintiq for digital drawing and sketching.

12:57 – Lately she’s been inspired by lots of sci-fi. She’s creating a space station universe art book. Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Cowboy Bebop are currently inspiring her. She watches a lot of sci-fi to finish the book. She loves both the visuals and the characters and their motivations too. Evangelion also inspires her but she isn’t drawing lots of mechs.

16:14 – Her tablet is her most important tool. It’s about a 16 inch screen and she feel comfortably working on it. Photoshop has a nice textured brush too.

18:11 – In 2012 she had done a large painting of Red Riding Hood in armor. Now she revisited the character for a new piece. Right now she most enjoys doing textured line art for pin-up style work. She likes creating tattoo friendly art.

21:30 – She started making art when she was one. When she was nine or so she started watching anime and it was so different from Western cartoons she was fascinated by it. She didn’t care about art museums on school field trips until she got into art. She started posting the art online and she’s had a big following since then.

23:20 – She was on a site called Guyana online where you had an avatar that you could buy clothes for. She started selling her art to buy avatar clothes and then she realized she could make real money for her art. She realized she could make a living from art. She’s been doing commissions for 14 years.

26:14 – Artists are behind the scenes in everything in business. Art directors and artists create media, billboards and so on. They’re crucial to anything visual.

29:20 – She loves the Fifth Element and she watched it all the time with her dad. Star Wars is an inspiration. She loves Child Thief by Brom. He’s a writer and illustrator.   Cowboy Bebop has stuck with her throughout. Neverending Story is one of her loves. She’s been trying to do Fifth Element fan art for a long time but wants to make it perfect so hasn’t finished it.

32:41 – She loved the concept art for Valerian but she wasn’t happy with the movie at all. The visuals weren’t shown as much as advertised. The movie was too rushed to enjoy the art in the movie.

34:51 – Her gallery is on




For more “Creating Sci-Fi and Fantasy – An Inside Look” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Amanda Schank

Host: Cris Alvarez