Cosplayer Amanda interview

Amanda is a cosplayer who plays Sophie Hatter and Frisk. I interviewed her at Magfest 2018 while she was touring the exhibit hall.

0:43 – Amanda discusses which costume she’s created that gives her the most satisfaction. She talks about Sophie from the movie Howl’s Moving Castle and Frisk from the game Undertale and how they connect with her own personality.

1:25 – Amanda talks about when she feels a costume is ready and the sewing she’s done to create her costumes.

2:22 – She touches on what inspires her. She mentions video games and just cosplaying.

2:48 – Amanda talks about the willpower needed to keep making her costumes but it’s worth it because of the satisfaction it gives her.

3:48 – She touches on the feedback and positive reactions she gets from a costume other people like.

4:48 – Amanda said that the game Undertale helped her get through a tough time in her life. Once she beat the game she was changed as a person and inspired to cosplay. She made a lot of new friends with it and loves it.

6:28 – Amanda said that she’s only done two cosplay characters and adapts as she goes. She said following people on Instagram helps her learn how to do cosplaying better. But she also likes to do things herself and succeed off her own work.

7:48 – Amanda said she wants to do Star Wars and Final Fantasy cosplaying but she’s kind of lazy and doesn’t have the money but will get there.

8:27 – Terra Branford from Final Fantasy 6 is the character she hopes to cosplay soon. It’s too elaborate right now for her to put together.

9:07 – Amanda ends by telling people she should just power through it if they want to accomplish something.

For more “Creating Sci-Fi and Fantasy – An Inside Look” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Amanda

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: cosplay, cosplayer, sophie hatter, howl’s moving castle, undertale, frisk, video game, anime