Fantasy game development project manager Rachael R interview – Super Magfest 2018 – youtube

Rachael has been working with her friend on four games and I spoke to her at Magfest about their latest game, Akari.

1:40 – Rachael talks about the anime based game Akari. She has to go into the underworld to save her sister.

2:24 – She’s worked on three other games. They use timelines and storyboards to figure out when the game is ready.

3:13 – She’s inspired by the people playing the game. She uses gant charts to help develop the games. She’s taken engineering and independent research courses to become skilled at this work.

6:15 – There aren’t many women in computer engineering and game development. But Rachael hasn’t had any challenges though. She’s found that being vocal overcomes challenges.

9:04 – Her first big success has been doing well in college.

10:24 – She thinks games and education support each other. Games are also stress relief.

10:59 – She used to watch Doctor Who, Star Trek and everything with her dad.




For more “Creating Sci-Fi and Fantasy – An Inside Look” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Rachael R.

Host: Cris Alvarez


Game developers Christian Plummer and Zenas Bellace interview – Super Magfest 2018 – youtube

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I met one of the programmers and one of the developers of the indie game Super Rock Blasters at Super Magfest 2018 and interviewed them about making games.

1:36 – Christian explains what Super Rock Blasters is about. It’s Asteroids but blowing up each other.

2:27 – He’s worked on various projects in the past. He’s done a lot of game jams too.

3:42 – He uses Unity to port the game to other systems. It’s better than in the past but it’s not an easy process.

4:58 – His most important tool is a white board and markers.

5:46 – Special effects is what he most likes working on.

7:25 – Computer games are like raising children.

8:55 – He defines success as people spreading interest in the game through word of mouth.

9:50 – One of the the programmers, Zenas Bellace joined the conversation.

13:35 –Zenas talked about his method in developing games.

14:50 – They see games as a form of information and communication between people.

16:10 – Dune has been an inspiration for Zenas. Christian has been inspired by anime. The hero’s journey also.

17:45 – Zenas would like to create a sort of role playing type video game. Overall, they said to just make games if you want to. Just do it.

19:49 – The game can be found at or on twitter @quadratrongames




For more “Creating Sci-Fi and Fantasy – An Inside Look” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Christian Plummer, Zenas Bellace

Host: Cris Alvarez