Arkady Martine interview about her debut award winning sci fi novel “A Memory Called Empire” (Tor Books, 2019)

Arkady Martine interview

Arkady Martine interview about her debut award winning sci fi novel “A Memory Called Empire”

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Interview Summary

Arkady Martine has been writing short stories for a decade. Last year she released her first novel, A Memory Called Empire, and it won the 2020 Hugo Award for best novel. Arkady has also been a Byzantine historian for years and some of the novel is based on Byzantine type politics. I spoke with Arkady about the book, history, writing, and climate and energy topics.

0:54 – Arkady talks about why she wrote A Memory Called Empire. She used to be a professor of Byzantine history.

2:07 – Arkady talks about the book’s protagonist, setting, and conflict.

3:38 – Arkady explains why she made the protagonist a diplomat.

4:23 – Arkady talks about why she wrote a sci-fi novel rather than a historical novel or a fantasy novel.

6:09 – Arkady talks about how she uses space travel in the book.

7:52 – Arkady talks about the hard versus soft sci-fi designations.

9:13 – Arkady talks about the research she did on the ideas in the book. She researched how people would live in a generational colony. She also researched poisons and neurosciences.

12:10 – We discuss Byzantine history research and border towns.

13:24 – Arkady talks about loving Star Wars and Dune. She mentions many other science fiction novels she enjoys.

15:55 – Arkady talks about “the far reaches of the English language.”

16:49 – Arkady talks about the non-fiction she enjoys and working as a climate and energy analyst.

20:28 – Arkady talks about what the feel of the book.

21:32 – Arkady talks about the poetic traditions she drew on for the book.

22:59 – Arkady talks about the languages she knows and the history of the poetry in her book.

23:54 – Arkady talks about different kinds of poetry and what she uses in the book.

25:26 – Arkady talks about the “effectiveness” of poetry.

26:54 – Arkady talks about not outlining your work. She doesn’t like the plotters versus pantsers idea.

28:10 – Arkady talks about developing the second novel in the series.

29:45 – Arkady talks about having to expand her draft.

31:47 – Arkady talks about how her approach to writing has changed over time.

33:32 – Arkady talks about past work experiences.

36:03 – Arkady talks about writing climate fiction and also her sci-fi mystery.

37:45 – Arkady talks about getting into sci-fi and fantasy and then into religious and medieval history.

41:19 – Arkady talks about how she was able to get and agent and get her book published.

44:45 – Arkady can be found at

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Contact Information

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Arkady Martine

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, podcast, Tor Books, science fiction, fiction, locus award, Hugo award, Clarke award,

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Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Thilde Kold Holdt interview about her new Viking Fantasy Novel “Northern Wrath” (Solaris, 2020)

Thilde Kold Holdt interview

Thilde Kold Holdt interview about her Viking Fantasy Novel “Northern Wrath”

Check the book out here

Interview Summary

Thilde Kold Holdt loves Norse culture since she herself is a Viking. She turned her love into a novel series and the first volume, Northern Wrath, will be published in October. I spoke to Thilde about the book, about rowing a Viking ship, about Viking culture and history, and about the things that inspire her.

0:34 – Thilde talks about why she wrote this book. She talks about being born in Denmark and embracing her Viking identity.

1:55 – Thilde talks about the details of the book. It’s set in Denmark and Thilde talks about Scandinavia. The story is partly historical fiction and partly epic fantasy.

5:56 – Thilde talks about the involvement of Christianity in Viking epic fantasy.

6:57 – Thilde talks about the extensive research she did for the book. She’s read all the sagas and the Eddas. She also joined the crew of the largest reconstructed Viking ship.

11:09 – Thilde talks about the archaeological and historical evidence for female warriors.

14:51 – Thilde talks about how she created the beasts in her novel. She focused on the Eddas. She really likes the giants and the Jotun.

17:09 – Thilde talks about how the giants in her novel live in Jotunheim.

17:55 – Thilde talks about how much she enjoyed a Danish comic book Valhalla.

19:38 – Thilde really enjoys the show Vikings.

20:45 – Thilde talks about horned helmets and Viking warships with shields.

24:37 – Thilde talks about Vikings and swimming.

26:16 – Thilde talks about the three places Vikings go in the afterlife. She also talks about Hel and Loki.

29:01 – Thilde talks about what she thinks of the Marvel comics and their take on the Norse myths.

30:51 – Thilde talks about Viking blood feuds. She also talks about the aesthetic of the novel.

35:18 – We talk briefly about the show the Beforiegners and Thilde’s writing process.

37:37 – Thilde talks about the languages she knows including Korean. Then she talks about how her characters forced a change in the plot as she wrote the novel.

41:10 – Thilde talks about how some of the characters did things that would be distasteful to modern audiences.

43:13 – Thilde talks about editing her book down for 400,000 words.

45:39 – Thilde talks about cutting some side characters.

46:36 – Thilde talks about having wanted to having magic powers.

47:49 – Thilde talks about Viking magic.

51:38 – Thilde talks about her enjoyment of Korean music and K-pop.

54:57 – Thilde talks about getting an agent and getting published.

60:09 – Thilde can be found at , and on twitter and instagram @koldholdt.

Links of interest

Contact Information

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Thilde Kold Holdt

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, academic, podcast, Solaris, fantasy, historical fiction, mythology,

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Cris Alvarez Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Brian Herskowitz explains how to develop structure in a screenplay “Product to Process”

Brian Herskowitz Screenplay structure
Brian Herskowitz Screenplays

Brian Herskowitz explains structure in a screenplay

Check the book out here

Interview Summary


Brian Herskowitz is a screenwriter and producer and has many credits to his name including Tour of Duty, Tio Papi, Hercules, scifi and horror movies, and a documentary on domestic violence. In part 2 of this screenwriting series he talked to me about structuring a screenplay.

0:25 – Brian addresses structure in screenplay writing.

4:20 – Brian talks about the beginning of a screenplay and ways to open a story.

7:14 – Brian talks about connecting the premise and connecting the whole structure.

11:13 – Brian talks about main plots and sub plots in a screenplay.

15:36 – Brian talks about how the beginning, middle, and end are further divided into sub-structures but also don’t have to be rigid about that.

18:57 – Brian talks about the “hero’s journey” concept.

22:03 – Brian talks about people struggling with the middle of the structure of a screenplay.

28:23 – Brian talks about the purposes of the various parts of the story and ensemble pieces.

30:16 – Brian talks about [the] what drives characters motivations.

31:46 – Brian talks about whether three act structure can apply to very kind of movie.

42:46 – Brian talks about the motivations of the main characters.

45:40 – Brian talks about thematic resonance.

48:27 – Brian talks about motivating the arbitrary.

52:56 – SPOILER ALERT: Brian discusses the Sixth Sense.

55:18 – SPOILER ALERT: Brian talks about the Event.

56:28 – Brian talks about connecting the start and end of the film.

58:51 – SPOILER ALERT: Brian talks about Once Upon A Time in Hollywood and Inglorious Bastards.

1:01:55 – Brian summarizes the importance of structure in a screenplay but also the usefulness in letting it go.

Links of interest

Contact Information

For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.

Guests: Brian Herskowitz

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: screenplay structure

Check the book out here

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Full Contact Nerd and Cris Alvarez