Science Fiction Replicas – Master Replicas Group interview

Master Replicas Group is a producer of museum quality replicas from science fiction, science and other popular entertainment. I spoke with two of their senior members, Steve and Karl, at the GPCC 2019.

0:38 – Steve and Karl talk about what the Master replica Group does.

1:08 – Karl talks about how one becomes a professional replica maker. He talks about 2001, fossils and 3-D replicas.

3:06 – Karl talks about how model makers connect and get into licensed projects. Steve talks about the actual business side of the work.

6:15 – They discuss what technology advancements have changed the business.

8:20 – They talk about quality control of the [models] replicas.

10:36 – They talk about applying artistic design to their replicas.

15:43 – They talk about what sci-fi and fantasy works have inspired them.

19:35 – They talk about whether space exploration is inspiring people currently.

21:19 – Steve talks about the moon landing and people who don’t believe it.

22:10 – They talk about how they are able to work with people who work remotely for the company.

23:12 – They talk about how people joined their company.

24:50 – Steve talks about cash flow management.

28:55 – They can be found at They’re on facebook and twitter and have links all over google.

Links of interest

For more of “Science Fiction and the Fantastic Inside Out” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Guests: Master Replicas Group

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, fantasy, art, artist , Warner brothers, dinosaurs, fossils, 2001, smithsonian, apollo, hal-9000, 3-D, white light scan, star wars, star trek, marvel

Comic book history – Comic book writer – Christopher Priest interview

Christopher Priest has been a comic book writer for over 40 years and has worked for both Marvel and DC. He’s written for Deathstroke, Justice League, Vampirella and many other titles. He also helped to redevelop Black Panther.

{Note: The sound gets better after a minute or so but I wanted to include some interesting pre-interview talk that unfortunately doesn’t have the same sound quality as the full interview.}

0:20 – Christopher talks about the creation of Black Panther.

1:35 – Christopher talks about how Black Panther developed.

2:36 – Christopher talked about how he got into the comic book business.

4:00 – Christopher talks about what got him his job at Marvel.

6:30 – Christopher talked about working on Cracked magazine and being mentored by Stan Lee.

8:05 – Christopher talked about what story lines inspired him most.

10:15 – Christopher talks about his various career milestones.

12:50 – Christopher talks about the comic book business.

14:45 – Christopher talks about how he got Power Man and Iron Fist.

16:30 – Christopher talks about where he gets his writing ideas from.

20:15 – Christopher talks about developing Man Ape.

22:15 – Christopher talks about his role with the Black Panther film.

23:00 – Christopher talks about how he redeveloped Black Panther.

26:50 – Christopher talks about his professional life following Black Panther.

stop at 29:00

35:00 – Christopher talks about Deathstroke on tv.

36:03 – Christopher talks about the storylines he created that he’s most proud of. He goes into his Justice League storyline.

43:54 – Christopher can be found on

For more of “Science Fiction and the Fantastic Inside Out” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi

Links of interest

Guests: Christopher Priest

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: comic books, writer, green lantern, DC comics, Marvel, Stan Lee, Cracked, Spiderman, Batman, Power Man, Iron Fist, Conan, Deathstroke, Justice League, News Radio, Iron Man, Vampirella