NASA history book – “The Space-Age Presidency of John F. Kennedy” (University of New Mexico Press, 2019) – John Bisney interview

John Bisney has worked as a reporter, on news radio, in public relations and is a NASA enthusiast. We talked about the latest book he has co-authored “The Space’Age presidency of John F. Kennedy” which is a photographic history of NASA’s work during JFK’s presidency.

0:41 – John talks about how he got into studying and writing on this subject.

7:13 – John talks briefly about NASA illustration art.

7:46 – John talks about how they lay out the book.

11:01 – John talks about doing research at the Kennedy library.

13:12 – John talks about his favorite photos in the collection. He touches on Alan Shepherd in the White House Rose Garden.

15:02 – John talks about how he chose the pictures they used.

17:41 – John talks about the companies that worked on the space program.

21:59 – John talks about other important people found in the photos.

23:21 – John talks about interesting people who also show up in the pictures.

36:32 – John talks about video of JFK’s travels.

43:13 – The other co-author of the book has a website


Links of interest


For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: John Bisney

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science, NASA, gemini, apollo, cape canaveral, jfk, space program,

LBJ, congress, john glenn, white house, spaceship

Sci-fi tv show book – “The World of the Orville” (Titan Books, 2018) – Jeff Bond interview

Jeff Bond has written multiple books on science fiction shows and movies. He was executive editor of Geek magazine, Senior Editor at CFQ, and he writes about film music for the Hollywood Reporter. We talked about his recent book on the show The Orville.

0:52 – Jeff talks about how he got into writing a book on The Orville. He’s been a sci-fi fan since he was a kid.

4:01 – Jeff talks about how Star Trek has become it’s own genre.

5:47 – Jeff talks about how the producers of The Orville were not trying to make a

Galaxy Quest kind of show.

10:03 – Jeff talks about the tone and goals of the show. The producers drew from Star Trek TOS and the Twilight Zone.

13:08 – Jeff talks about the actors and acting in the show.

16:29 – Jeff talks about how good Adrianne Palicki is in the show.

21:00 – Jeff talks about Seth as the captain of the ship and the set of The Orville.

23:59 – Jeff talks about how they did the casting and how they’ve brought in a lot of people who have worked on various Star Trek projects.

27:19 – Jeff talks about how he organized the book and his interviews with the production people on the show. The book is sort of a “making of” and also a bit of a technical manual for the show. Jeff talks about how the ship was designed.

33:13 – Jeff compares the show to Star Trek TNG.

35:45 – Jeff talks about the show’s budget and also the design of the set, lighting, costumes, and make-up.

42:06 – Jeff talks about technical differences the show has from other tv shows.

44:43- Jeff talks about the writing process for the show.

57:05 – Jeff talks about the design and music of the credit sequence.

58:39 – Jeff talks about the music on the show.


Links of interest


For more of “The Art and Design of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Mystery and Horror” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi


Guests: Jeff Bond

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: science fiction, sci-fi, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, television, The Orville, Seth MacFarlane, spaceships