Thriller novel – “Crash” (Tor/Forge Books, 2020) – Lawrence Light interview

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Lawrence Light is both a financial journalist and a mystery writer and has been both for many years. He, with co-author David Hagberg, combined these two subjects and wrote Crash a financial thriller that focuses on manipulation of computer networks and the financial world. We spoke about the book and Larry’s approach to writing.

0:36 – Larry talks about why we co-wrote Crash.

2:57 – Larry talks about the complexity of the financial system.

4:59 – Larry talks about investment houses being the targets of hackers.

7:28 – Larry talks about the research he did to write this book.

11:57 – Larry talks about what inspired the book..

14:39 – Larry talks about the works that inspire him.

17:35 – Larry talks about the first mysteries he read.

20:17 – Larry talks about his writing process and developing worlds in a thriller.

23:25 – Larry talks about how his writing progressed over time.

24:56 – Larry talks about what he hopes to give the reader with this novel.

27:30 – Larry talks about admiring the Travis McGee character.

30:55 – Larry talks about the publishing process.

33:33 – Larry talks about future writing projects.

34:42 – Larry can be found at


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Guests: Lawrence Light

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: writer, novel, novelist, fiction, financial crash, fiancial disaster, Wall Street, economy, computer worms, hackers, shorting, Billions, hedge funds, shorting, Goldman Sachs, mystery writers of america, Paul Erdman, NAVY Seal, Travis McGee, John MacDonald, Florida

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