Fantasy novel – “The Poet King” (Tor Books, 2020) – Ilana C. Myer interview

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Ilana C. Myer is a former Jerusalem based journalist turned novelist. She has wrapped up her Harp and Ring Sequence with the third book The Poet King. We discussed the book and her writing process.

0:49 – Ilana talks about why she wrote the series.

3:35 – Ilana talks about poetry versus prose writing.

4:42 – Ilana talks about the details of the book.

8:52 – Ilana talks about the research she did for the novel.

10:45 – Ilana talks about Middle Eastern magic.

12:41 – Ilana compares Eastern and Western magic systems.

13:26 – Ilana talks about the works that have inspired her.

14:53 – Ilana talks about the musical aesthetic of the book.

16:12 – Ilana talks about her writing process.

25:42 – Ilana can be found at


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Guests: Ilana C. Myer

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: fantasy, writer, novelist, novel, fiction, poet, Celtic, myth, literature, magic, french troubador, prose, art, medieval, Homer, Arabian nights, djinn, journalism, Middle Earth

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